A browsable potpourri of information and musings on gender.
First published in 2019, this newly revised paperback edition explores a range of topics related to gender. The book is divided into three sections: “A Good Place To Start,” “Digging Deeper,” and “My Story.” A new foreword by Kacen Callender and a content warning start the book off. Part 1 explores gender as a social construct, gender and sexuality terminology, and pronouns. Part 2 explores subjects such as intersectionality, colonialism, toxic masculinity, sports, gendered violence, Black masculinity through the White gaze, cultural bias against sex work, and historical movements like the Zapatistas and the Stonewall Uprising. Occasional profiles of famous individuals such as David Bowie and Coco Chanel have been updated to acknowledge their complicated legacies. Part 3 explores Gottlieb’s own gender journey with a reflection on how Harry Styles helped inform her gender, an account of her experience with anorexia, and a top-surgery journal. Some spreads include information about different human sexualities and animal sexual behaviors and sex characteristics that, while informative, does not actually pertain directly to gender and, for some readers, may muddy the distinctions among gender, sex characteristics, and sexuality. Other language choices are at times overgeneralized, imprecise, and/or confusing, as when the text includes contradictory statements. The full-color art includes both full-page illustrations and spot art, some of it representational and clearly connected to the text.
An informative hodgepodge that explores gender identity and related subjects.
(resources, index) (Nonfiction. 14-18)