An eagerly anticipated collection of twelve more "Gothic tales" is news for the sophisticated reader. She has had numerous imitators, but these stories- though they lack, for the most part, that exciting freshness of the earlier volume, still outstrip any who have tried to rival her. Their fascination lies not perhaps so much in the skillful perfection of her story telling, but in the grace of poetic expression, the effortless sustaining of an aura of other days, other mores, other places. There are recurrent characters,- the worldly Cardinal, a schizophrenic one might almost say, with his dual personality, who tells tales drawn from a rich experience of life; the sculptor Angelo Santasilia, who carries a sense of doom because of the sin of his youth; Father Jacopo-and others. There is an oddly remote quality in the acceptance of moral codes of medieval times — codes which run the gamut from worshiping the remote star of a different social level, from acceptance of the inevitability of romance outside the bonds of matrimony, of fearful recognition of the powers of other worlds, etc. A few tales have a modern note — but even they are couched in language that belongs in another age.