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THE BAKE SHOP GHOST by Jacqueline K. Ogburn Kirkus Star


by Jacqueline K. Ogburn & illustrated by Marjorie Priceman

Pub Date: July 25th, 2005
ISBN: 0-618-44557-9
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Cora Lee Merriweather may have a sour lemon-pucker mouth, but she makes the sweetest cakes around. When the elderly baker dies and the Merriweather Bake Shop is sold, Cora Lee’s ghost is not happy: “Get out of my kitchen!” the furious phantom shouts at the first three owners. They do. Years later, however, a fearless African-American pastry chef named Annie Washington falls in love with the shop. Cora Lee goes in for the kill, shrieking, smashing eggs, the whole works, until the baker finally breaks: “ ‘Enough!’ Annie cried. ‘What do you want?’ ” Cora Lee mysteriously demands a cake “like one I might have baked, but that no one ever made for me.” “Piece of cake,” Annie says. But neither babkas nor bundts can scratch Cora Lee’s itch, until Annie visits the library and discovers what the long-ago orphaned baker really wants. Priceman’s gleeful watercolor-and-ink illustrations capture Cora Lee’s ghostly hauntings with all the right swoops and swirls in this sweet story of how generous dollops of perseverance and kindness make the perfect cake. (recipe) (Picture book. 6-8)