An aspiring playwright’s plan to base her first production on the secrets kept by her father’s powerful IT firm unleashes a Pandora’s box of demons.
Buck Technologies International counts among its clients the Pentagon and the CIA. Kate Gamble, the daughter of CEO Christian Gamble, knows a little and suspects more about the legacy of its surveillance technology. Still grieving the suicide two years ago of her alcoholic mother, Elizabeth, she takes time from her studies in law school to draft a play about the history of Hollerith machines, primitive computers first deployed in the 1890 U.S. census and used by the Third Reich to track information about its Jewish residents and keep the concentration camps running in good order. While she’s hunkering down to the first of many rewrites demanded by Broadway director Irving Bass, who’s interested in the material despite its historical sprawl, more disturbing developments await her extended family. Kate’s ex Noah Dunn, a senior cybercrimes prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C., expresses renewed interest in Christian Gamble’s relationship with Sandra Levy, a “trusted advisor” who’s doing time for corporate espionage. And the Chinese government, which paid Levy and her highly placed accomplice for Buck Technologies secrets they didn’t deliver, plucks Patrick Battle, an up-and-coming Buck employee Kate used to babysit, from a corporate survival exercise in Colombia and uses him as a hostage to extort the particulars of Code 6, an undetectable data scraping tool, from Christian Gamble and Jeremy Peel, the chairman of the board who’s trying to push him out and take his place. None of these 12-cylinder adventures do justice to the paranoid premise.
High-stakes espionage, family drama, double crosses, noble gestures: For better or worse, it’s all here.