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MED HEAD by James Patterson


My Knock-down, Drag-out, Drugged-up Battle With my Brain

by James Patterson and Hal Friedman

Pub Date: April 1st, 2010
ISBN: 978-0-316-07617-3
Publisher: Little, Brown

From five to 18, Cory Friedman was prescribed over 30 different medications to control obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette’s syndrome. He battled addiction, learning difficulties and tics before embarking on a wilderness retreat and an intensive school process. Working from Cory’s recollections, family medical records and observations, Patterson and Friedman (Cory’s father) create a rich and engaging first-person narrative based on the co-authors’ previous work, Against Medical Advice (2008). Readers will wonder about some of the Friedmans’ parenting choices, especially as Cory’s behavior gets more extreme; a showdown over smoking at school, for example, may generate very little sympathy. There is a plethora of additional content: family photographs, medicine logs, question-and-answer sessions with both Cory and his father and a brief guide to mental-health resources. A perfect prescription for misery-memoir maniacs. (Memoir. YA)