Continuing his search for his parents, young Song Weaver Ash winds up at the mighty Stronghold of Aurora, where resistance to the Leviathan threat grows.
Trekking across the wilds of the Snow Sea with the Pathfinder crew aboard the Frostheart, led by the ever spirited Capt. Nuk, Ash arrives at Aurora in pursuit of further clues that will aid him in his quest. However, whispers of increasing Leviathan attacks against Pathfinder sleighs permeate the majestic settlement. The furor proves large enough to incite a plan to utilize monstrous weapons discovered in the ruins of the World Before. Led by Stormbreaker, a renowned, grizzled Pathfinder captain, the fleet transforms practically overnight into an armada against the Leviathans, and now Song Weavers like Ash—who are instrumental in using these powerful anti-Leviathan weapons—are being rounded up and forcibly enlisted. As tension mounts in Aurora between Song Weavers and Strongholders, Ash, Lunah, Tobu, and the rest of the Frostheart crew flee, embarking once again across the great wilds to find Solstice, the fabled Song Weaver Stronghold. As always, ahead lies an even greater terror of unimaginable scale. Overflowing with winsome characters, even more cool worldbuilding, and roguish villains, Book 2 of the Frostheart series builds impressively upon the foundation set by its predecessor. Littler strikes a splendid balance between unexpected twists and heartfelt moments, bolstered by confident writing and artwork. This sequel ends where it begins: with a promise of even greater adventure.
Magically marvelous.
(Fantasy. 8-12)