Carr and Donohue revisit the three friends and gray puppy from Frozen Noses (1999), this time to celebrate the highs and lows of spring—although pouring rain doesn't seem like a real low to these children. Cut-paper collage pictures that are reminiscent of bulletin-board art in both color selection and subject matter decorate Carr's singsong verse, although here there is more texture to the choices of paper. Occasionally, layering creates the illusion of three dimensions and the use of string or yarn adds to the depth. The rhymes are somewhat forced ("Spring is sloppy / So raindroppy!" and "Hocus-pocus! / There's a crocus!") though often interesting in the choice of language for such a young audience. The story tells of digging for earthworms and slugs, watching baby birds cheeping for food, splashing in puddles, and picking posies. Playful and cheery, this has a basic appeal, but other titles bring spring activities to life in a more definitive and charming manner. (Picture book 2-5)