A comforting bedtime story that takes the reader through the highlights of what could be a typical family day (leaving out little difficulties like tantrums, tears, and spills). A trio of lime green dragons makes up this family: two parents and the Little One. They start their day when the youngster puts an end to “Daddy’s snore, snore, snoring,” and Mommy’s sleep by hopping on the bed and awakening them, “Because that’s what Little Ones do!” Hunter proceeds through the day touching on breakfast, cleanup, dressing, and daycare. Then Mommy and Daddy bring their Little One home for some family playtime after which Little One sweetly bestows upon his parents a song before bed. Once the toddler dragon is tucked in there’s still plenty of time for snuggles and hugs. The simple, rhymed text’s lilting cadence is pleasing to the ear, making it a perfect bedtime read-a-loud. The illustrations, on extra-firm, oversized stock are done in warm, chalky-soft tones that add to the coziness of this effort. A great choice for working parents as well as any snug family. (Picture book. 2-5)