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I'M NOT SLEEPY by Jane Chapman


by Jane Chapman & illustrated by Jane Chapman

Pub Date: Sept. 1st, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-56148-765-3
Publisher: Good Books

A little owlet employs a big bag of tricks when Grandma tries to get him to settle down to sleep.

Grandma carries little Mo to the top of the tree when it's bedtime. She smoothes some leaves into a soft nest and lays Mo carefully in the middle. "Play with me?" Mo giggles. "No, Sweetie, it's time for bed," Grandma responds. She reads in pleasant silence for a while, until Mo calls out that he hasn't had his bedtime snack. With effort, Grandma flies down to get it (a cookie, disappointingly, not a vole) and bring it back up to Mo, who again asks to play. Grandma's answer is the same. Not even leaves falling from the nest onto her head or Mo's loud declaration that "It's an emergency!" changes her mind. But she does come up with a plan. She will go to sleep, and Mo, after putting her to bed, can play to his heart's content. Mo is delighted, but he finds that the effort of arranging a nest for Grandma and flying down to get her bedtime snack has made him...sleepy. At last, he settles into his makeshift nest, and Grandma has a chance to read her book in peace. Chapman's story is simple and hardly original but pitch-perfect. Her owls look soft and friendly, and her backgrounds use an appropriately warm palette that frames them nicely. 

An ideal story for those who prefer softer edges to their bedtime shenanigans.

(Picture book. 3-6)