A graceful retelling of the classic tale, accompanied by brilliant, swirling, full-bleed illustrations. Ray finds the story's heart in images of dark and light, as treachery and abandonment are trumped by resourcefulness and love; the dark can be found in the gloom of the enveloping forest, the night sky, and the frightening interior of the witch's house, while the light comes in the golden stars and a shining moon above the forest, and in the illumination of the witch's house by the glowing fire that ultimately consumes her. In this handsomely designed book, an italicized typeface seems to whisper the storyteller's words; the text is set off with decorative gold-trimmed borders against fully saturated colored backdrops. The palette is rich and deep, the witch a startling and original figure with red eyes and a half-mask, and Hansel and Gretel appealing with their dark, knowing eyes. (Picture book/folklore. 4-8)