Eeny, a tiny mole who lives with her big fat sister Miney and tall pointy sister Meeny, has heard astonishing rumors: "Up Above there is both day and night." Though her tradition-bound sisters discount what worms and centipedes may say, Eeny is determined to see for herself. And so she does, bringing back a floral token of spring to their well-furnished burrow. Yolen's poetic narrative is expertly paced and has a nicely varied repetitive pattern, giving the familiar story of venturing forth into new territory a fresh flavor. Brown's watercolors are just right: the mÉnage is homey, though with clues to its being underground; the older sisters are visibly set in their ways, while Eeny (like Henkes's mice) is sweet but refreshingly persistent. Perfect for sharing aloud. (Picture book. 4-8)