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HETTY’S 100 HATS by Janet Slingsby


by Janet Slingsby & illustrated by Emma Dodd

Pub Date: July 1st, 2005
ISBN: 1-56148-456-3
Publisher: Good Books

Hetty has a hankering for hats and she’s determined to expand her collection to a grand total of 100. As her collection grows, Hetty receives hats of all sorts from family, neighbors, friends (and their friends) and classmates, and she keeps a running tally of how many hats she has and how many she still needs to acquire to get to the magic number. At her birthday party, Hetty receives her final group of hats, including the pattern to make her 100th hat from newspaper herself. Two concluding spreads show all the hats in numbered order, and the newspaper hat pattern is also included. The various combinations of hats acquired and hats still needed offer some embedded math concepts, and the story will fit well into hat themes or 100th day of school celebrations, for of course, if the hat fits, why not wear it? (Picture book. 4-7)