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FAST EDDIE by Janet Wyman Coleman


by Janet Wyman Coleman & illustrated by Alec Gillman

Pub Date: April 30th, 1993
ISBN: 0-02-722815-0
Publisher: Four Winds/MacMillan

The author describes this fantasy about an escalating battle between the suburban Plotkin family and its strong-willed neighbor as ``nonfiction''; indeed, though Eddie (a feisty, amoral raccoon), his friend Puff (a cat who's adept—but not always successful—in manipulating her family), and hilariously bumbling Kitty (a golden retriever) express themselves in words, they are portrayed from the ironical perspective of a human who has endured, and been much amused by, their interactions. Eddie is on a collision course with the nice Plotkins; he not only Houdinis his way into their garbage but engages in gratuitous mischief—like tracking mud onto their white porch furniture- -despite his friends' warnings about the gun Mr. Plotkin plans to use if his trap fails—as it must: Eddie knows all about traps. This episodic first novel, told in brief, cinematic takes of the various characters, loses momentum midway; but the animal's antics and lively dialogue are consistently entertaining, while the denouement—Mr. Plotkin relents, but his gun misfires and Eddie is hurt—is too cleverly appropriate, and too funny, to reveal here. An easily read story that would also make a fine readaloud. Frequent b&w illustrations not seen. (Fiction. 8-12)