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POP-UP NEW YORK by Jennie Maizels


by Jennie Maizels ; illustrated by Jennie Maizels

Pub Date: Aug. 1st, 2014
ISBN: 978-0-7636-7162-4
Publisher: Candlewick

A breezy 3-D ramble through the core of the Big Apple, from Battery Park to the Bronx Zoo.

Moving generally south to north, the five spreads offer clusters of skyscrapers capped by a telescoping Empire State Building that rears up to over 18 inches with a pull. Other prominent structures range from the Brooklyn and George Washington bridges to Yankee Stadium (the new one). Some newer landmarks, such as the High Line and the 9/11 Memorial, pop up among the traditional tourist stops. Along with sidelights, looks inside and descriptive captions on the backs of the cut-out buildings, explanatory labels and flaps add historical notes, identify at least a few neighborhoods and give shoutouts to New York’s food, children’s books, native music, and prominent residents of the past and present. Like the author’s Pop-Up London (2012), the geography is too creative and compressed to serve as a reliable on-the-ground tour guide, and aside from the Bronx, the “outer boroughs” are largely left to shuffle off to Buffalo. Still, this evocation of the city’s bustle as well as its general layout will put both residents and temporary guests in a New York state of mind.

A pleasing tribute to New York’s bright lights, unique sights and architectural flights.

(Pop-up informational picture book. 6-10)