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by Joanne Ryder and photographed by Katherine Feng

Pub Date: July 1st, 2009
ISBN: 978-0-06-057850-3
Publisher: Collins

Ryder’s latest focuses on the care and learning opportunities that are given to new panda cubs at China’s Wolong Nature Preserve. Beginning with birth, the author describes how panda mothers care for their newborns and how the Preserve helps. While pandas often have twins, mothers can only care for one baby at a time, so workers and mother trade babies each week, allowing each twin to receive the care it needs. Once large enough to leave their mothers, they enter panda kindergarten—a large playground where they can learn, explore, play, make friends with the other cubs and learn the skills they will need to survive in the wild, should they be released (some will stay at the center to give birth to the next batch of cubs). Dr. Feng’s adorable photos are the highlight here, the hugely photogenic black-and-white faces compensating for an occasionally overenthusiastic text. While this is a good choice for younger readers, for depth of information, counting practice and background on the Wolong Reserve, Sandra Markle’s How Many Baby Pandas? (2008) is a better choice. (panda facts) (Informational picture book. 4-7)