A well-researched and up-to-date source for youth interested in or doing reports about teens and e-cigarette use.
The author makes his premise clear in the introduction: The controversy surrounding teens and vaping is that the nicotine in e-cigarettes is addictive and more research is needed to determine whether the use of e-cigarettes carries other health consequences. This is of particular concern to young people who appear to be a target market for e-cigarette companies and who, as evidenced by recent statistics, are increasingly using e-cigarettes. Chapters build consecutively and cover topics such as “What is Everyone Worried About?” “Do E-Cigarette Companies Target Teens?” and “The Crackdown on Teen Vaping,” but each can also be read independently. Because of this, those reading the book cover to cover will notice the repetitious nature of some facts, commentaries, and positions. Although the chapters are only about 12 pages long and feature photographs, some readers may find them dense with statistics. For this, more charts would have been helpful. Inserts that provide additional information and share personal narratives from teens and adults enliven the text. Bubble insets highlight selected quotes.
A balanced, engaging exploration of a burgeoning trend that combines expert voices, statistics, and personal experience.
(source notes, organizations, further reading, index, picture credits) (Nonfiction. 12-16)