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A powerful case for independent thought.

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Kavanagh explores the hazards of blind allegiance to political and religious ideologies in this nonfiction debut.

Born into a conservative Irish Catholic home, the author was taught (or in his words, “indoctrinated”) to simply accept the family’s religious faith without question. At the time, he found comfort in his unbridled loyalty to this belief system, which not only provided cut-and-dried answers to the complexities of life and death, but also promised its adherents that their “status and identity would be raised to new heights.” Yet an off-putting experience during confession (related to the sin of eating meat on a Friday), combined with contradictory messages from Church leadership, prompted Kavanagh to question his faith as a teenager. Later, during a college visit to Yale (where he would eventually earn a degree), the author was introduced to the scholarship on genocide, learning of the interwoven histories of ideological movements and extreme violence. With a subsequent graduate degree from Columbia University, and as the CEO of Market Corporation of America, Kavanagh draws on his own personal experiences and solid grasp of world history to make his case against ideological extremism. The book begins with an interdisciplinary look at the psychological attraction of ideologies across the political and religious spectrums, emphasizing how they offer adherents the “the promise of a better life or better world,” ease anxieties, and provide access to social groups that “give meaning to their lives.” He goes on to examine how power-hungry leaders have exploited ideologies for their own ends and the roles of ideologies in fostering some of history’s grimmest examples of brutality.

The strength of the book lies in its critique of extremism on all sides. In surveying the popularity of Donald Trump, for instance, Kavanagh discusses the corrosive aspects of Christian Nationalism on American democracy, from targeting reproductive rights to the marginalization of immigrants, non-Christians, and others deemed “second class citizens.” Alternately, the author details the failures of Leftist movements in providing promised utopias, noting the death tolls associated with the killing fields of Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge and Mao’s Great Famine and Cultural Revolution in China. Indeed, per Kavanagh’s convincing historical narrative, nearly all of the world’s worst atrocities—from transatlantic slavery to the Holocaust—have ideological roots. Making the case against “absolutism” (which the book defines as “The Refuge of Small Minds”), the author urges readers to question the ideological fallacies that they may blindly embrace and offers pragmatic advice for “developing well-grounded, bottoms-up belief systems” based on openness, high standards of evidence, research, and intellectual honesty. Writing explicitly for a general audience, Kavanagh here aims to provide “ordinary people” with a path toward ideological freedom. His accessible writing style is backed by a solid grasp of the relevant academic literature—the text is accompanied by two dozen pages of endnotes and bibliographic citations. While at times a bit reductionist in its terminology (for instance, using simplistic definitions of “Evangelical Christianity” that ignore the vibrant history of America’s Black churches in defying their white counterparts), the book otherwise mounts a powerful argument against extremism on all sides. A useful appendix offers readers a systematic timeline of “Mass Killing[s] By Ideology,” providing thorough documentation of ideological violence associated with imperialism, racism, religious fanaticism, and other scurrilous ideas.

A powerful case for independent thought.

Pub Date: Oct. 15, 2024

ISBN: 9798339528289

Page Count: 171

Publisher: Self

Review Posted Online: Nov. 20, 2024

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A philosophically rich critique of state violence and mass apathy.

An Egyptian Canadian journalist writes searchingly of this time of war.

“Rules, conventions, morals, reality itself: all exist so long as their existence is convenient to the preservation of power.” So writes El Akkad, who goes on to state that one of the demands of modern power is that those subject to it must imagine that some group of people somewhere are not fully human. El Akkad’s pointed example is Gaza, the current destruction of which, he writes, is causing millions of people around the world to examine the supposedly rules-governed, democratic West and declare, “I want nothing to do with this.” El Akkad, author of the novel American War (2017), discerns hypocrisy and racism in the West’s defense of Ukraine and what he views as indifference toward the Palestinian people. No stranger to war zones himself—El Akkad was a correspondent in Afghanistan and Iraq—he writes with grim matter-of-factness about murdered children, famine, and the deliberate targeting of civilians. With no love for Zionism lost, he offers an equally harsh critique of Hamas, yet another one of the “entities obsessed with violence as an ethos, brutal in their treatment of minority groups who in their view should not exist, and self-­decreed to be the true protectors of an entire religion.” Taking a global view, El Akkad, who lives in the U.S., finds almost every government and society wanting, and not least those, he says, that turn away and pretend not to know, behavior that we’ve seen before and that, in the spirit of his title, will one day be explained away until, in the end, it comes down to “a quiet unheard reckoning in the winter of life between the one who said nothing, did nothing, and their own soul.”

A philosophically rich critique of state violence and mass apathy.

Pub Date: Feb. 25, 2025

ISBN: 9780593804148

Page Count: 224

Publisher: Knopf

Review Posted Online: Dec. 14, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Jan. 15, 2025

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Alternately admiring and critical, unvarnished, and a closely detailed account of a troubled innovator.

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A warts-and-all portrait of the famed techno-entrepreneur—and the warts are nearly beyond counting.

To call Elon Musk (b. 1971) “mercurial” is to undervalue the term; to call him a genius is incorrect. Instead, Musk has a gift for leveraging the genius of others in order to make things work. When they don’t, writes eminent biographer Isaacson, it’s because the notoriously headstrong Musk is so sure of himself that he charges ahead against the advice of others: “He does not like to share power.” In this sharp-edged biography, the author likens Musk to an earlier biographical subject, Steve Jobs. Given Musk’s recent political turn, born of the me-first libertarianism of the very rich, however, Henry Ford also comes to mind. What emerges clearly is that Musk, who may or may not have Asperger’s syndrome (“Empathy did not come naturally”), has nurtured several obsessions for years, apart from a passion for the letter X as both a brand and personal name. He firmly believes that “all requirements should be treated as recommendations”; that it is his destiny to make humankind a multi-planetary civilization through innovations in space travel; that government is generally an impediment and that “the thought police are gaining power”; and that “a maniacal sense of urgency” should guide his businesses. That need for speed has led to undeniable successes in beating schedules and competitors, but it has also wrought disaster: One of the most telling anecdotes in the book concerns Musk’s “demon mode” order to relocate thousands of Twitter servers from Sacramento to Portland at breakneck speed, which trashed big parts of the system for months. To judge by Isaacson’s account, that may have been by design, for Musk’s idea of creative destruction seems to mean mostly chaos.

Alternately admiring and critical, unvarnished, and a closely detailed account of a troubled innovator.

Pub Date: Sept. 12, 2023

ISBN: 9781982181284

Page Count: 688

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Review Posted Online: Sept. 12, 2023

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Oct. 15, 2023

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