Joining the slew of automobile-oriented picture books is London’s newest all-around toddler-pleaser covering the colors, styles, sounds and purposes of trucks: “A truck could be blue.” “A truck could have many wheels.” “A truck’s horn blasts.” A truck also makes various sounds like chugga-chugga or music if it happens to be of the ice-cream sort. London mentions multiple purposes such as carrying cars or hauling logs. The little boy, pictured on almost every page, seems particularly interested in trucks, since he’s always inside or around one. The brightly painted and boldly outlined pictures have an additional narrative. The trucks surround this youngster because they are required in the building of this boy’s new family home. At last, the moving van, seen traveling day and night across country, parks in front of the new house to deliver the family’s belongings. The text is basic and slight with a pleasant rhyming cadence meant for the earliest listeners, and every illustration is loaded with a wide variety of these oversized vehicles. (Picture book. 2-5)