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ENTER THE BODY by Joy McCullough


by Joy McCullough

Pub Date: March 14th, 2023
ISBN: 978-0-593-40675-5
Publisher: Dutton

Beneath a theater stage, a group of girls gather.

Girls from some of Shakespeare’s most famous plays appear here as ghosts, sharing the traumas they have endured as the Bard’s works are retold from the perspectives of these lost women. The focus is primarily on Juliet, Ophelia, and Cordelia; they are joined by Lavinia, the daughter of Titus Andronicus, as well as other women. One by one, they allow readers and each other into their worlds of pain resulting from living within the patriarchy. What happens when they are given a chance to retell their stories? McCullough is undeniably skilled with verse, and she utilizes a fascinating structure for the book, with poetry that is intercut with descriptions of the setting written in the style of theatrical directions. These evoke the feeling of being in the audience. These interludes are then intercut with dialogue among the protagonists, discussing the narrative elements of their own tales. But the metatext is at times more compelling than the emotional truths. There is no denying that the important messages here are shared without compromise, especially when touching on sexual and familial violence, but the story struggles at times with making each character’s voice distinct. Nevertheless, their potent anger at the cruel injustices they have suffered at the hands of men is important and comes across clearly even as character development is occasionally sacrificed.

A theatrical experiment with meaning.

(content warning, dramatis personae, author’s note, timeline) (Fiction. 14-18)