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THE WHITE ORDER by Jr. Modesitt


by Jr. Modesitt

Pub Date: June 15th, 1998
ISBN: 0-312-86645-3
Publisher: Tor

Another episode—the eighth so far—in Modesitt’s continuing battle between White (Chaos) magic and Dark (Order) magic (most recently, The Chaos Balance, 1997). Young orphan Cerryl discovers that he has a talent for glimpsing distant places and people in odd fragments of mirror; and in a mostly illiterate society, he has a hunger to learn how to read. Apprenticed to a kindly miller, whose daughter teaches him his letters, young Cerryl learns the truth about his magic-touched father, and resolves someday to travel to the city Fairhaven, stronghold of the most powerful Chaos magicians, and there discover his destiny. A quality series that’s settled into a pleasantly understated, modestly involving groove.