Leonora (aka Leo), a recently orphaned half-white/half-Chinese teen, has run away from her unhappy aunt and uncle’s house in England to search for her estranged Chinese grandparents in Glasgow. Finlay, a wannabe Goth and part-time paperboy, is trying to grow his meager savings by working a snack van on the weekends, when starving Leo steals a bag of donuts. The ensuing chase leads to an unlikely friendship, as the two set out on a quest to find Leo’s family. On the way they become involved with an assortment of down-and-out street people, including a sweet, batty old lady named Mary, who lets Leo crash in her hovel of a flat. Meanwhile, Leo’s unsavory uncle has traced her to Glasgow and the race is on as to whether he will find her before she finds safety. This fast-paced, richly characterized Scottish import, imbued with the important message that friends are the family you choose, will be a boon to libraries looking to add more world literature to their teen collections. (Fiction. 12 & up)