The well-known actress/author and her daughter collaborate to create an eminently practical yet ebullient heroine. With delightful insouciance, young Geraldine assures readers that she knows without a doubt that she is a fairy princess. Much like a seasoned court lawyer providing expert testimony, Geraldine submits her evidence to convince the skeptics. From dawn to dusk, she takes readers through her day, highlighting the multitude of moments that reveal her inner royal sprite. Davenier’s whimsical ink-and–colored-pencil illustrations enchant. Bedecked in a tiara and adorned in pink as she strides confidently along, Gerry exudes an undeniable joie de vivre. The mother-daughter team successfully demonstrates an understanding of that magical stage of childhood in which determination, desire and dreams can transform reality. Fellow princess-obsessed readers will easily recognize a kindred spirit; those whose thinking is more in line with Gerry’s brother Stewart will see the pink sparkles on the cover and stay away. (Picture book. 3-7)