Ruelle serves up another humorous seasonal tale about that engaging feline duo, Harry and Emily, who learn that the best presents are the ones that come from the heart. The siblings are determined to express their affection for their parents by creating the most unique Valentine’s gift they can think up. However, when their impromptu Valentine’s Dance proves too boisterous, their song too cacophonous, and their idea of an apple sauce/peanut butter/marshmallow confection meets with a resounding “Yuck” from their Mom, the furry pair are fresh out of ideas. A sudden snowfall the day before V-day provides the siblings with a break—and is ultimately a source of inspiration for their gift, as the two surprise their parents with giant snow hearts in the yard. Ruelle’s tale, overflowing with warmth and goodwill, includes a Mom who constantly provides reaffirming hugs and a devoted Dad who draws creative mementos for his children. Separated into four brief chapters, the simply constructed text is accessible to newly established readers. Ruelle’s light-hearted drawings add to the cheerfulness. Bright watercolors depicting the duo liberally adorn the pages in an array of sizes, ranging from full-page illustrations to smaller vignettes inserted into the text. A sweetly sentimental, but not syrupy, tale that gets right at the heart of Valentine’s Day. (Fiction. 5-8)