Written in the Gullah dialect, this is a handsomely illustrated collection of poems for each month of the year. “In January month, / the sky the color of first dark / and the trees all nakedy in the wood. / Deer cock ’e head for listen for the chop-tongue hound, / and bittle berry scarceful.” The poems celebrate the months through nature and children’s activities. “In June month, / every gal child take off ’e shoes / when ’e get off the yellow big bus.” Black is the predominant color of the linoleum-block prints with bright pastels for highlights. Half of the illustrations are double-paged spreads incorporating the poems with grace. The others are on the left page with the poem on the right; there is no pattern to the alternating spreads. An extensive foreword offers a brief history of the Gullah people along with a description of the language. A glossary of terms is complete and important to interpreting the poems. The last selection celebrates the New Year with Hopping John, and the recipe follows. As a special homage to nature and the Gullah tradition, storytellers will find this an excellent addition to their repertoire. (Poetry. 5-8)