Tegen explores the origins of the Easter Bunny in this sweet, simply told story set in an old-fashioned village with winding streets and stone houses. In this particular village, an elderly couple work all winter preparing baskets of eggs and candies for all the children of the village to enjoy each Easter morning. The “round old man” and the “round old woman” have a white pet rabbit who at first just watches their preparations. As he grows, he helps the couple with their tasks, taking over more of the work and eventually moving the operation to the woods to hide the process from curious children. The short story is gracefully told with just a few sentences on each page, and the large type size and soft watercolor illustrations contribute to the appealing design. The illustrations are full of details that young readers will enjoy spotting, including glimpses of the village children waiting in the windows for the Easter bunny to deliver his baskets. (Picture book. 3-6)