A Russian-born artist draws on the classic Afanas'ev ``Tereshichka'' (here called ``Tishka'') for a disarmingly direct and authentic introduction to the well-known witch. Capturing the child by assuming his mother's voice, Baba Yaga takes Tishka to her chicken-legged house and tells her daughter to cook him. Outwitting the girl (as Gretel does in the Grimms' tale), Tishka escapes to a tree, but can't resist taunting Baba Yaga once she's eaten her daughter. Fortunately, a goose carries him safely away, just as the witch fells the tree with her iron teeth. Using gouache, Arnold emulates traditional Russian ``lubok'' art (handcolored woodcuts) in a vivid, energetic style that's a beautiful complement to the lively story. Sure to draw readers with its jewel-bright colors and pleasingly gruesome witch, while imaginative borders and varied framing also contribute nicely to the handsome format. Excellent source note. (Folklore/Picture book. 4-9)