Adventures begin when relatives arrive in this debut rhyming celebration of kid-centered family time.
Three siblings watch the window and the clock, impatient for their cousins’ arrival. Finally, the two cousins arrive to celebratory hugs. There’s no time to slow down now that the cousins are here—even when the youngest begs the older kids to wait. They must make costumes to put on a show, then spy on the adults, and look through family photos. Then it’s snack time, including baking, followed by play outside, dinner, dessert, and board games. Soon, the tired family members pile onto a single bed: “Dreaming sweet dreams of the day that has been… / knowing tomorrow we’ll do it again.” Jones captures the frantic excitement of spending time with beloved family members who might only visit a few times a year. The rhyming couplets vary in rhythm, making the scansion elusive, but newly independent readers will find the language accessible. Trimarco’s full-color cartoon illustrations aptly capture the chaos, though they’re light on detail and shading. Illustrations of family photos are more realistic than other images, which lean toward caricature—an appropriate style for the story’s tone. The siblings are portrayed with blond hair and pale skin; the cousins have brown hair and brown skin.
A nostalgic picture book that distills the energy of an extended-family visit.