You’ve got tooth problems? What should Dracula do?
Young Dracula loves his pointy, sharp fangs. They’re his heritage. He brushes and flosses regularly, and a wiggly fang worries him. When it falls out, he’s horrified! He resorts to fix-it measures: taping, tying, and sticking it with gum. One night he catches the Tooth Fairy in the act of “stealing” the fang. Mom and dad gently explain the truth and help Drac relinquish his prize. Eventually, a new fang grows in. Guess who shows it off—and can’t wait for the other fang to fall out? For leery kids at the wiggly-tooth stage and just in time for Halloween, here’s a fun take on the I’m-afraid-to-lose-my-baby-teeth trope. Using very simple language, Dracula clearly conveys his and many kids’ fears. The parents helpfully make their point comprehensible, too: It’s the Tooth Fairy’s job to take fangs so strong adult teeth can grow; understanding the Tooth Fairy’s sadness at not being able to do her job makes it easier to let it go. And a new tooth does emerge. Happily, good oral hygiene is stressed. Text is set in all capitals; different types are sometimes incorporated to funny, emphatic effect. Humorous, expressive illustrations appeal with strong lines and colors. Widow-peaked Dracula is winsome, as are his monster pals. He and his parents are ghastly white, but their family portraits have diverse skin and hair colors.
A diverting, nonfrightening vampire story with a message.
(Picture book. 4-7)