Waves of exuberance flow out of this crowd-pleaser, in which a squid proudly points out how much bigger it is than any shrimp, clam, octopus or fish in the neighborhood. Each emphatic, one-line declaration captions a very simple marine scene, fashioned from watercolor and paper collage on Plexiglass (which is “pried from the windows of shipwrecked pirate ships,” to quote the artist’s note) and dominated by the smiling, pop-eyed, blue-skinned squid—most of whose body is well beyond the edges of the spread. The arrival of a monstrous whale does spark a sudden sea-change in scale, but even being gobbled down dims the squid’s self regard only momentarily; after a quick look around, it concludes: “I’m the biggest thing in this whale!” A gatefold and a page of stickers further enhance this whale of a debut. (Picture book. 4-7)