The newest addition to the wallet likes to shop till the other shoe drops.
Goldie the credit card has joined a family consisting of different kinds of money, and when she offers to bankroll an upcoming vacation, the coins and cash are thrilled. Goldie, who’s illustrated with the microchip and tap-to-pay symbol of modern credit cards, works fast! Even little Penny declares her generosity “magnifi-cent,” though Goldie has a tendency to upgrade their frugal travel plans at great cost. Bill cautions Goldie not to overspend, but she ends up maxing out her credit limit and wallowing in a sea of debt. Goldie takes responsibility and works extra hard to pay off her debt by the statement due date. She returns to the wallet to be used for planned, affordable expenses instead of luxurious splurges. The artwork fills each page with onomatopoeia as Goldie swipes and taps up a storm, along with images of the safari, cruise, and doughnuts she purchases. Constant wordplay and puns lighten the sound lessons of this personified money drama. The other wallet denizens encourage and embrace Goldie as she works toward debt relief, welcoming her back into the wallet with friendly forgiveness. Backmatter caps off the story, offering a timeline of the history of credit and charting the benefits of responsible credit card use alongside the pitfalls of excessive splurging.
An accurate and entertaining account of the pros and cons of wielding credit.
(bibliography) (Informational picture book. 4-8)