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WHERE IS PIM? by Lena Landström Kirkus Star


by Lena Landström ; illustrated by Olof Landström ; translated by Julia Marshall

Pub Date: April 1st, 2015
ISBN: 978-1-927271-73-5
Publisher: Gecko Press

Dog takes Pom’s Pim in this return of one of the most heart-gladdening creatures on Earth (Pom and Pim, 2014).

Pim is an unidentified stuffed-animal product—say, a big crab cake with four legs and sightless eyes—that is Pom’s companion in their progress through the day. Toddler Pom has a high forehead and a short mop of red hair; he is tubular and berobed in a long, purple sweater. This day, Pom and Pim are at the park. Pom is tossing Pim in the air. Pim likes this: “Pim wants to fly. / Pim is flying high.” Easy-peasy for readers just starting out. Enter stage left a dog that snatches Pim out of the air and hares off. “Where is Pim?” Another dog comforts Pom, and the two search high and low. (Really sharp readers will note that this dog is a mirror image of the dog that made off with Pim and not the same one.) Not under the bench, nor in the rhododendrons. Not in the fountain’s waters—electric fear makes Pom’s hair stand on end—but ho! Here comes the other dog, Pim safely in tow. No more flying for Pim today, especially with that beagle still mooching around. Given a souped-up reading or delivered quietly, Pom’s adventure is a pure grabber.

Pom is the elemental Everychild—and just darlin’.

(Picture book. 2-7)