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MRS. CRUMP’S CAT by Linda Smith


by Linda Smith & illustrated by David Roberts

Pub Date: May 1st, 2006
ISBN: 0-06-028302-5
Publisher: HarperCollins

Who doesn’t know someone who adamantly vows never to let a stray cat in the house? Meet Mrs. Crump, who “opened her front door one rainy day to fetch the paper and discovered an exquisite golden cat shivering on her porch step.” The cat won’t shoo, slips inside the door and polishes itself in front of the fire. As the cat ingratiates itself paw by paw, Mrs. Crump comes up with one reason after another why not to give the cat the boot, buying cream at the grocer’s, bathing it for fleas, buying a collar, etc. Her last resort is a sign in Mr. Henry’s store window: “Found. One sneaky, finicky, troublesome, wet yellow cat with fleas.” Surprise—no one claims it and you can guess what happens next. Subtle illustrations with a British accent (seamed stocking, spectator shoes) humorously underplay the tale. Kids will see what’s coming and giggle as the cat pussyfoots its way into Mrs. Crump’s home and heart. (Picture book. 4-8)