A grab bag of occupations with at least a little career potential—some conventional, others decidedly otherwise.
Intended strictly for brainstorming, the contents are shoveled together between the covers in seemingly random order and include little if any information about necessary schooling or training, employment prospects, or income ranges. Instead, amid effervescent collages of bright photos and swatches of background color, Gerry talks up each line of work’s general appeal; in an underwhelming 15 cases she offers mini-interviews with a racially diverse assortment of actual practitioners. Her selections make up an arbitrary mix of common occupations such as teacher and social worker with others that would require considerable ambition (astronaut, brain surgeon), extensive education (astronomer, forensic psychologist), artistic leanings (woodworker), skillful self-marketing (professional bridesmaid, balloon twister), or unusual willpower (pet-food taster, competitive eater). “Librarian” doesn’t make the cut, nor does any military or (aside from Supreme Court justice) law enforcement occupation.
Far from systematic but definitely horizon- and option-expanding.
(Nonfiction. 10-17)