In this exhilarating sequel to Eyes Like Stars (2009), 17-year-old Bertie Shakespeare Smith plunges from the cloistered Théâtre Illuminata into the colder, crueler outside world to rescue her pirate boyfriend Nate from the dreadful Sea Goddess. Sharing the caravan are her agreeably caustic fairy friends from A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the seductive air spirit Ariel, boyfriend number two. Since Bertie is now the Teller of Tales, everything she writes actually happens. Of course, she has to watch her words, to hilarious effect: Even a benign-seeming utterance such as “The fairies kindled a fire” ends up with singed wings and hurt feelings. The pace is fast and furious, and the secrets to Bertie’s intriguing heritage unfold satisfyingly, but it’s Mantchev’s fresh, intelligent style that delights most. She would never write “while cracking a nut.” Instead? “… while his nimble fingers cracked nuts with a rapidity that defied logic.” This fantastical romp—an absolute must for theater buffs—might stand alone, but it’d be a pity not to start with the first. (Fantasy. 12 & up)