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GLOW DOWN DEEP by Lisa Regan


Amazing Creatures That Light Up

by Lisa Regan

Pub Date: Sept. 8th, 2020
ISBN: 978-0-2281-0253-3
Publisher: Firefly

Big, ghostly stock photos enhanced with glow-in-the-dark elements shed light on 22 sea creatures that exhibit either biofluorescence or bioluminescence.

For readers a little hazy on the difference, Regan opens by defining the two terms and then, claiming that over 90% of all marine organisms feature one or the other, presents pithy but exact introductions paired to a riveting series of ultra–close-up portraits, dimly lit and placed against solid black backgrounds. From plankton, corals, and various kinds of jellies to the bounteously toothy likes of the dragonfish and viperfish, all of these creatures present a thrillingly exotic otherness—their angular lines or drifting, graceful tentacles enhanced by added dots and swirls of phosphorescent overlay (not seen). Happily, along with describing each animal’s major features and typical habitat, the author carefully notes that most are smaller than they look here (krill, for instance, “are not much bigger than a paper clip”). She also has some news flashes for anyone who thinks that those undersea glimmers are used only to attract prey and mates…as it turns out, krill and hatchetfish employ “counter-illumination” as a defense, and some sea cucumbers can actually drive predators away by strobing like a “burglar alarm.” From the lenticular squid writhing on the front cover on, rarely have denizens of the deep looked more eerily appealing.

Young readers who take the dive will emerge with glowing reports.

(glossary) (Informational picture book. 7-9)