In this sequel to Meet The Austins (1960, p. 683, J-259), fourteen-year-old Vicky, a babe-in-the-woods, dragging adolescence self-consciously behind, confronts the traumas of growing up. The respectable, happy Austin family crosses the United States, camping in different national parks (parks which are so vaguely described that they all blend into one great monotonous park) along the way. Vicky meets Zachary, a scowling young chap, and the remainder of the book consists of achary— thoughts about Zachary, letters from Zachary, dates with Zachary. Towards the end, a romantic triangle takes form when Vicky meets Andy, a well-adjusted boy, and the story gains momentum at last, ending on an ambiguous note. Young girls who are willing to traipse from one park to another on a nearly eventless journey, will enjoy this last bit of excitement, but it is a long, tedious jaunt.