This striking collaboration between a book-making veteran and a picture-book newcomer (and father-and-daughter team) introduces 20 unusual animals, among them the zorilla, naked mole rat, viscacha, uakari, vicu§a, pangolin, and okapi. Many of the wood engravings span two pages; somber colors—black, burnt sienna, dull green, deep blue, lavender—dominate. Each animal portrait is framed in a wide black line and placed on a creamy background paper. The text is limited to a few sentences to pique the curiosity of children, who can find additional information in a fact section at the end. Scientific names are not given, and size, range, and habitat information is sketchy, but adventuresome readers, armed with this book, will not be shy about gathering more facts on these unlovely oddities. (Picture book/nonfiction. 8+)