Animated by inventive rhymes and varied rhythms, this import—companion to Animal Lullabies (2003)—makes a perfect tool for getting young sleepyheads up and going. Generally urged on by animal parents, a range of creatures from familiar farmyard denizens to jellyfish, slugs, a baby skunk—“Sleeping sound, stinking sweet, / My little skunkadee. / Such a shame to wake you, / My little stinkaree”—sloths, spiders, even an ammonite (“I’m an ammonite / Curled up tight / All day / And all night.”) face the new day. Kolanovic adds plenty of smiling, dot-eyed figures in pastel-toned natural settings. A sweet reminder that poetry is as satisfying to hear in the morning as it is at bedtime. (Picture book/poetry. 4-6)