Rogue magical wards trap Elisabeth Scrivener and her companions inside Thorn Manor in this novella that revisits the world of Sorcery of Thorns (2019).
A violent, magical gale surrounds Thorn Manor, separating the inhabitants from the rest of Hemlock Park. And for once, the calamity seems not to be the fault of Nathaniel Thorn himself. Something has triggered a modification to the wards, and Elisabeth and Nathaniel will have to figure out what it is, as they’re due to host the Midwinter Ball next week. Soon, Elisabeth realizes that the more romantically she and Nathaniel act toward one another, the angrier the house’s response. With the aid of Silas, Nathaniel’s demon, they begin to search areas of Thorn Manor long since closed off for clues. They discover a grimoire penned by Nathaniel’s ancestor Clothilde Thorn and, after a battle with a furious dressing gown, surmise that the manor is upset that Nathaniel hasn’t followed proper courtship protocols with Elisabeth. By completing three impossible tasks, Nathaniel may be able to free them from the magical cyclone in which they are trapped in time for the ball—if he’s really Elisabeth’s true love, that is. Though low on dramatic tension, this short tale will feel as cozy as a warm bath to fans of Elisabeth and Nathaniel’s romance, as it is replete with whimsical settings, sexy stolen moments, and Nathaniel’s signature witty banter. A deeper look into Silas’ inner workings adds depth to an otherwise frothy, fantastical romp.
A charming entry fizzing with romance.
(Fantasy. 14-adult)