A classic bedtime story (originally 1978, with illustrations by Diane Dawson) gets a well-earned reissue with handsome new art. Mrs. Mouse tucks baby mouse in and gives him a goodnight kiss—then, responding to his request for “another, mother,” she hustles out to round up alternative parents: Mrs. Duck, Mrs. Frog, Mrs. Pig, and Mrs. Donkey, each of whom sings him a lullaby—“Quack, quack, mousie, / Don’t you fret. / I’ll bring you worms / Both fat and wet.” Goodell offers finely brushed, richly colored naturalistic settings, though he places baby mouse in a cozily appointed tree-trunk house, and dresses the maternal menagerie in cropped pants, house dresses, and other domestic wear. Baby mouse at last has enough: “I want another KISS!” The light dawning, each mother proceeds to oblige, ending with a relieved Mrs. Mouse. Younger children will adore this now, as they did a generation ago. (Picture book. 4-7)