Two lumpy stuffed animals pack up a red balloon, wave goodbye to their potted pet cactus and set sail in a paper hat to find the end of the world—a place they hope has enough lemons for an endless supply of lemonade and a staircase to the moon!
Quiet, concise language and poignant watercolor illustrations pull readers into this far-out fable about a friendship between a toy elephant (Hopper) and a yellow mouse (Wilson). Children will immediately like these two funny little guys, whose exposed stitching make them seem both Velveteen and vulnerable. They’ll also fall for the book’s soothing cadence and rolling rhythms. Simple sentences beat up against gestural artwork like small waves on a ship’s bow. Sensitive line work and atmospheric washes of cool colors communicate the depth of Hopper and Wilson’s friendship and their shared despair when a storm separates them at sea. A frightening spread of the two caught in mammoth, murky waves causes trembles; a chilling, misty sequence of lonely Wilson calling hoarsely for his buddy brings tears. The reunion is inevitable and immensely moving. Hopper, a small, blurry smudge far, far away, shouts from an entire page of white space, “Wilson, is that you?”
Winsomely ambiguous and otherworldly, this sweet, quirky story offers fantastic footholds for dizzying discussion.