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TIME TO GO! by Marta Cunill


by Marta Cunill ; illustrated by Marta Cunill ; translated by Susan Ouriou

Pub Date: Aug. 16th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-77147-536-5
Publisher: Owlkids Books

Procrastination gets you nowhere.

Birds start taking off from their forest dwellings in autumn, but three unnamed lazy members of the flock would prefer not to fly off. They’d rather hang around and sleep instead—and they awaken to find themselves wet and freezing as winter sets in. To combat the cold, the trio don winter coats like humans. The coats keep them warm but prevent them from flying. The next plan is to wait out the winter underwater, like fish. That probably would have worked if it weren’t for the pesky issue of breathing. In a last-ditch attempt, the birds take a lesson from the bears and try to hibernate, settling inside a hole in a tree. It seems to work for a bit, but boredom sets in, and the birds finally decide to fly south to join everyone else. When they arrive, their flock is making plans to fly north again, as winter is coming to the Southern Hemisphere. Translated from Spanish, this is an amusing story of procrastination—and perhaps a gentle reminder to readers of all ages just how hard we work at times to be lazy. The cartoon illustrations are bold enough that librarians and educators will happily share this book during storytimes and read-alouds. Caregivers and educators will appreciate the doors this book opens regarding topics such as seasonal change, animal habits, and migration. (This book was reviewed digitally.)

Don’t be lazy—read this entertaining tale of an aimless yet relatable trio.

(Picture book. 4-8)