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CLAP CLAP! by Mary Claire Helldorfer


by Mary Claire Helldorfer & illustrated by Sandra Speidel

Pub Date: Oct. 1st, 1993
ISBN: 0-670-85155-8
Publisher: Viking

A joyous celebration of God's immanence in a little child's experience. ``Clap clap! The Lord unrolls the day. Laugh—he splashes water over sunny rocks.'' A blond child, perhaps as old as six, is seen laughing and running with friends, dancing, and chasing; on other pages she's repentant (``Hush now. The Lord hears we are sorry''), rapt with wonder (``Touch candle to candle. He changes air to petals of light''), sad, or peacefully sleeping. Speidel's sunny impressionistic art, dancing with light, movement, and delight in the world's beauty, makes just the right complement to a lyrical text that will be welcome in many homes and church schools. (Picture book. 2-7)