Skylar, one of five plump geese who share a suburban pond, has dim memories of his first migration and considers himself to be more of a wild goose than his neighbors who have never left the pond. When a one-eyed heron appears and asks that they help him meet with his brethren to migrate, Skylar is unsure. Naturally, he’d be the point goose, but can he really remember all that such a flight would entail? Weedle, the young goose who looks up to Skylar, has absolute trust in him, but the other three geese laugh at Skylar’s lofty claims. Still, when Skylar decides they should go, the flock sets out together, determined to reach the heron’s destination and to prove themselves as capable as wild geese. Unbeknownst to them, they will wrestle with aching muscles, dangerous storms and predators they can barely imagine. Strong characterization and scientific detail blend together in an inviting yet suspenseful tale of migration, loss and accomplishment. Realistic black-and-white illustrations add just the right touch. (Fiction. 7-10)