In a maybe-imaginary world where only a steep cliff separates a warm, grassy, bamboo-filled paradise inhabited by panda bears and a wintry wonderland populated by polar bears, one curious young polar bear falls off the cliff and into the mud. When he climbs out looking just like a panda bear, mud-spattered in all the right places, a young panda befriends him. Eventually, panda discovers that polar bear is not what he seemed. Polar begins to tell panda about himself and before he knows it, he’s terribly homesick. Panda helps him find a way back up the cliff, but it’s obvious from the concluding longshot that the two friends will meet again and share more adventures. Baek’s illustrations tell the story with a defter touch than the prose, which suffers from some awkward moments. Done primarily in shades of blue for the polar bears and greens for the pandas, they are delicate, soft and expressive, bringing gentleness to the story and highlighting its message of acceptance and cooperation. (Picture book. 4-8)