In this companion book to A Crow of His Own (illustrated by David Hyde Costello, 2015), Clyde the rooster returns with his star wake-up crow.
<p>Regularly lapping up universal praise and adoration, Clyde is living a comfortable life on the farm until farmers Jay and Kevin introduce Fran the goat and her kid, Rowdy. Everyone is delighted to have a kid on the farm except for a jealous Clyde, who devises a plan to regain everyone’s attention. The next morning he uses a megaphone to make an extra loud wake-up call, but the noise doesn’t allow Rowdy the sleep he needs. His friend Roberta the goose asks him to tone it down, but he dials it up with amps and drums, crowing every time Rowdy tries to rest. Soon everyone is upset, and Clyde realizes he must do something to make up for his “foul behavior.” Lambert depicts how hard the change brought about by a new young one in the family can be while also addressing inclusivity and celebrating everyone’s unique voice. The charming watercolor illustrations include little hints that the two white, male farmers are preparing for another new arrival. As with the author’s first book, the vocabulary sets this title apart from many others for this age group. Rarely using verbs like “said” or “asked,” the text allows readers to discover “gushed,” “huffed,” and “gasped” alongside other crunchy vocabulary: “Resolve,” “bereft,” and “righteousness” are just a smattering.</p> <p>A sweet and unusual new-baby story with an uncommonly broadening vocabulary.</p> (Picture book. 4-6)