Sexy vampires in Coco Chanel glam up Manhattan in the continuing web of intrigue. These wealthy teens and parents are Blue Bloods, immortal vampires who’ve been reincarnated continually since the fall of Lucifer. Accustomed to running society in the guise of upper-crust humans, Blue Bloods now fear Silver Bloods, who have returned to threaten soul-sucking corruption and murder. Themes range from good vs. evil, to skinny models and haute couture, to eternal bonds of love and dizzying teenage lust (conflated with the urge to suck blood, natch, which is necessary for survival). Which powerful Blue Blood family is harboring a Silver Blood? Who’s corrupt, and who’s lying? Several unknown motivations are reserved for the next installment, and de la Cruz sometimes strains the plot, leaning soapwards near the end; but overall, a tasty and alluring sequel for the vampire-sex-and-fashion set. (Fantasy. YA)
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