This sequel to Messenger of Fear (2014) continues the story of Mara, who atones for her own evil acts by entering the service of a supernatural entity bound to punish other evildoers.
Mara knows she caused a death. Now she works as the apprentice to the Messenger of Fear, confronting others who have done wrong and punishing them by inflicting their worst fears upon them. Unseen by humans unless they wish it, Mara and the Messenger watch the lives of the victims and the guilty to learn the truth about each. Much of this story follows the misfortunes of Graciella, now a drug-addicted prostitute, once a young songwriter victimized by a rising popular singer and her unscrupulous manager. Another storyline involves Trent, a hate-filled, racist teen who attacks Muslims and becomes one of the story’s most interesting characters when he receives his punishment. Another, even darker force, represented by the immortal seductress Oriax, tempts Mara to leave the Messenger’s service and follow her instead. Grant examines issues of truth, justice, and choice by building a supernatural world that interacts with reality and populating it with gods and demons. Justice and punishments take place even among the souls who, apparently temporarily, live outside of the real world while serving the goddess who balances existence.
An absorbing morality tale of guilt and redemption.
(Paranormal suspense. 14-18)