Old toys aren’t discarded: They’re re-loved.
When a dragon meets a boy, they become best friends and have daring adventures; Dragon is Boy’s constant companion. Things change, though: Boy grows, Dragon doesn’t. Then Boy places Dragon in a special cave and asks him to guard his treasures. Eventually, after a final hug, Boy leaves. Years pass. Dragon protects the items diligently, then falls into a deep sleep. One day, hands reach into the cave, removing everything, including Dragon. Surprise: The “thief” is a small girl. Dragon receives a bigger surprise when he sees the man with her. Before the page turn, will readers guess who he is? Guess who becomes the child’s new BFF in this sweet, heartfelt tale about love transcending generations? Readers can infer that Boy, now a dad, shared happy memories of his favorite childhood plaything, and his reminiscences encouraged his daughter to seek Dragon out for her own exciting, affectionate romps. The charming, expressive, sometimes poignant illustrations, occasionally depicting familiar children’s books, present Boy and his blonde daughter as white. As child and adult, Boy has straight brown hair and wears blue glasses; he is freckled in childhood. Purple, smiley Dragon displays two nonthreatening fangs. Boy, girl, and Dragon star on delightful endpapers.
Readers will love the idea that beautiful childhood memories last a lifetime.
(Picture book. 4-8)