Adolescence can be fraught with competing desires and expectations, often leading to anger; this book aims to provide the necessary tools to cope.
Firmly rooted in principals of cognitive behavioral therapy and written by an expert in the field, this book functions as a CBT workbook that can be used on its own or incorporated into a formal therapy plan. Beginning with helping readers identify how their anger is expressed and what some common triggers are, progressive chapters scaffold learning and skills to rein in angry thoughts and actions. Subsequent chapters address ways to reframe thinking, halt rumination, and improve communication, among other useful tools. Each chapter includes worksheets to help with skills practice along with a brief “In a Nutshell” summary of the key points. Throughout the book, ethnically diverse cartoon characters, seemingly based on actual teens, share their first-person experiences with uncontrolled anger, its consequences, and how the book’s tools have helped. While this is the sort of book that many teens are unlikely to pick up on their own, if trusted adults recommend it, they will find the content worthwhile. Though the homework vibe of some of the worksheets might put some readers off, the content and skills are excellent and accessible. The clean layout, with chunks of prose broken up by clear headers, lists, and text boxes, enhances the reading experience.
A welcome workbook for teens wishing to get a handle on their anger issues.
(suggested reading, resources, index) (Nonfiction. 12-18)